Saturday 7 October 2017

I'll Take A Nap

I awoke this morning completely unprepared to give up sleep in order to arrive at the land of the livng. I was so tired that I fell back to sleep after buzzing the HCA into my building. I slept right through her entry into my apartment, taking her shoes off, putting her slippers on, washing her hands. I just wanted to sleep.

But I have a dinner party today. I can't sleep. I have food to prepare, guests to welcome, things to tidy up. I have to peel potatoes and yams, chop peppers and onions, prepare Cole Slaw and Greek Salad. I have to get ready. All I want to do is sleep.

How bad is it? I fell asleep at the dining table as Sam was getting ready to leave. When Tonny came to make breakfast and help with the turkey, I fell asleep at the kitchen table. Tonny made a coffee for me. I drank it. Then, as you might expect, I had to go pee. So I rolled into the bathroom, hauled out the gear, grabbed a urinal, then fell asleep in my wheelchair while going pee, successfully soaking the crotch in my pants. Oh well, time for a change.

At least now the turkey is in the oven. I have learned a valuable lesson. My turkey roaster is good for turkeys up to about 15 pounds. A 22 pound turkey is too large for my roaster. So Tonny has gone off to Safeway for one of those tin foil roasters and a large roll of tin foil to cover the bird. He will be here in just a moment, and we will transfer the now roasting bird from an open tray to a proper roaster.

Of course "we" is a collective. Brad will do the work. Tonny will run the errands. I will drink coffee, or wine, sitting here fretting over all the things I can't do. I'll probably take a nap.

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